Bricked Foscam C2 brought back to life after 2 years...
You use a program like terraterm / putty or similar at 115200 bautrate and 8N1 setting
To enter into the boot / debug console keep the enter key pressed while booting.
So the magic Amerella amboot password to use and proceed to the commandline is "ipc.fos~"
Foscam support was sending some files that allows recovery from sd card, but this was not working as that requires the boot process to work (somewhat)
amboot> setenv eth 1 mac 00:62:1A:1A:1A:1A
amboot> setenv eth 1 mask
amboot> setenv eth 1 gw
amboot> setenv eth 0 mac 00:62:1A:1A:1A:1B
amboot> setenv eth 0 mask
amboot> setenv eth 0 gw
___ ___ _________ _
/ _ \ | \/ || ___ \ | |
/ /_\ \| . . || |_/ / ___ ___ | |_
| _ || |\/| || ___ \ / _ \ / _ \ | __|
| | | || | | || |_/ /| (_) || (_) || |_
\_| |_/\_| |_/\____/ \___/ \___/ \__|
Amboot(R) Ambarella(R) Foscam(R) Copyright (C) 2004-2014 2015-05-23
Foscam(R) Copyright (C) 2015-05-23
will reset phy by g95.
reset phy completed, gpios2 data: 0xF8001E00.
___ ___ _________ _
/ _ \ | \/ || ___ \ | |
/ /_\ \| . . || |_/ / ___ ___ | |_
| _ || |\/| || ___ \ / _ \ / _ \ | __|
| | | || | | || |_/ /| (_) || (_) || |_
\_| |_/\_| |_/\____/ \___/ \___/ \__|
Amboot(R) Ambarella(R) Copyright (C) 2004-2014
Boot From: NAND 2048 RC
SYS_CONFIG: 0x3006005B POC: 101
Cortex freq: 600000000
iDSP freq: 144000000
Dram freq: 528000000
Core freq: 144000000
AHB freq: 72000000
APB freq: 36000000
UART freq: 24000000
SD freq: 48000000
SDIO freq: 48000000
SDXC freq: 48000000
1st input Passwd:
2st input Passwd:
2st input Passwd:
3st input Passwd:
3st input Passwd:
amboot> setenv eth 1 ip
amboot> setenv eth 1 mac 00:62:1A:1A:1A:1A
amboot> setenv eth 1 mask
amboot> setenv eth 1 gw
amboot> ping
link down ...
amboot> setenv eth 0 ip
amboot> setenv eth 0 mac 00:62:1A:1A:1A:1B
amboot> setenv eth 0 mask
amboot> setenv eth 0 gw
amboot> ping
link down ...
amboot> ping
link down ...
amboot> tftp program flash_C2_1.11.1.6_2.72.1.18.bin
downloading [flash_C2_1.11.1.6_2.72.1.18.bin]:
................................. got 59093948 bytes
Jumping to 0x00100000
In-memory Firmware Flash Programming Utility (by C.C.)
Ambarella(R) Copyright (C) 2004-2008
Boot From: NAND 2048 RC
SYS_CONFIG: 0x3006005B POC: 101
Cortex freq: 600000000
iDSP freq: 144000000
Dram freq: 528000000
Core freq: 144000000
AHB freq: 72000000
APB freq: 36000000
UART freq: 24000000
SD freq: 48000000
SDIO freq: 48000000
SDXC freq: 48000000
bst code found in firmware!
crc32: 0xAEA0712B
ver_num: 1.3
ver_date: 2015/12/15
img_len: 2048
mem_addr: 0x00000000
flag: 0x00000001
magic: 0xA324EB90
verifying image crc ... done
program bst into NAND
progress: 100%
program ok
bld code found in firmware!
crc32: 0xCFF3A746
ver_num: 1.3
ver_date: 2015/12/15
img_len: 169220
mem_addr: 0x00000000
flag: 0x00000000
magic: 0xA324EB90
verifying image crc ... done
program bld into NAND
progress: 77%progress: 100%
program ok
pba code found in firmware!
crc32: 0xB1A95A68
ver_num: 0.1
ver_date: 2015/12/15
img_len: 15210320
mem_addr: 0x00208000
flag: 0x00000002
magic: 0xA324EB90
verifying image crc ... done
program pba into NAND
program ok
pri code found in firmware!
crc32: 0x596AE333
ver_num: 0.1
ver_date: 2015/12/15
img_len: 5183312
mem_addr: 0x00208000
flag: 0x00000000
magic: 0xA324EB90
verifying image crc ... done
program pri into NAND
program ok
lnx code found in firmware!
crc32: 0xA4703DF8
ver_num: 0.1
ver_date: 2015/12/15
img_len: 36438016
mem_addr: 0x00000000
flag: 0x00000001
magic: 0xA324EB90
verifying image crc ... done
program lnx into NAND
program ok
add code found in firmware!
crc32: 0xA63719C9
ver_num: 0.1
ver_date: 2015/12/15
img_len: 1966080
mem_addr: 0x00000000
flag: 0x00000001
magic: 0xA324EB90
verifying image crc ... done
program add into NAND
program ok
DTB found in firmware!
program ok
------ Report ------
bst: success
bld: success
pba: success
pri: success
lnx: success
add: success
While things looked very well until this point... I rebooted the device but no joy... it still did not work
___ ___ _________ _
/ _ \ | \/ || ___ \ | |
/ /_\ \| . . || |_/ / ___ ___ | |_
| _ || |\/| || ___ \ / _ \ / _ \ | __|
| | | || | | || |_/ /| (_) || (_) || |_
\_| |_/\_| |_/\____/ \___/ \___/ \__|
Amboot(R) Ambarella(R) Foscam(R) Copyright (C) 2004-2014 2015-05-23
Foscam(R) Copyright (C) 2015-05-23
will reset phy by g95.
reset phy completed, gpios2 data: 0xF8001E00.
___ ___ _________ _
/ _ \ | \/ || ___ \ | |
/ /_\ \| . . || |_/ / ___ ___ | |_
| _ || |\/| || ___ \ / _ \ / _ \ | __|
| | | || | | || |_/ /| (_) || (_) || |_
\_| |_/\_| |_/\____/ \___/ \___/ \__|
Amboot(R) Ambarella(R) Copyright (C) 2004-2014
Boot From: NAND 2048 RC
SYS_CONFIG: 0x3006005B POC: 101
Cortex freq: 600000000
iDSP freq: 144000000
Dram freq: 528000000
Core freq: 144000000
AHB freq: 72000000
APB freq: 36000000
UART freq: 24000000
SD freq: 48000000
SDIO freq: 48000000
SDXC freq: 48000000
1st input Passwd:
amboot> ls
'ls' is not a recognized command! Type 'help' for help...
amboot> boot
pri image absent... skipping
sec image absent... skipping
amboot> boot
pri image absent... skipping
sec image absent... skipping
pri image absent... skipping
sec image absent... skipping
amboot> e erase
partition needs to be specified!
Help for 'erase':
erase [bst|ptb|bld|spl|pba|pri|sec|bak|rmd|rom|dsp|lnx|raw|all|os]
Where [os] means pba,pri,sec,bak,rmd,rom,dsp,lnx,swp,add,adc
[all] means full chip.
Erase a parition as specified
amboot> erase os
erase pba ...
erase pri ...
erase sec ...
erase bak ...
erase rmd ...
erase rom ...
erase dsp ...
erase lnx ...
erase swp ...
erase add ...
erase adc ...

Deze reactie is verwijderd door een blogbeheerder.
BeantwoordenVerwijdereni don't finde "Serial port updating for" .
Can you help me, please?
Hi, I have the same problem. Can You Send me "Serial port updating for" file on, please
VerwijderenI have send the file. Good luck
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHi, Can You Send me "Serial port updating for" on, please