
Posts uit mei, 2021 tonen

Bricked Foscam C2 brought back to life after 2 years...

2 year ago my Foscam C2 got bricked and would not boot up anymore  since than it was in my box of last remains of electronic gadgets... But last week I stumbled upon a post which had the missing password I was looking to unlock the loader and address the error on the nand memory. As in my previous post   the w ay to access the device is connecting to the serial port on the device. You use a program like terraterm / putty or similar at 115200 bautrate and 8N1 setting To enter into the boot / debug console keep the enter key pressed while booting. So the magic Amerella amboot password to use and proceed to the commandline is " ipc.fos~ " This will bring you into the amboot screen. To fix my problem I needed to repair the broken filesystem. To do this, the original files need to be flashed to the device.... the big problem.. as the device is not starting this was not possible. Foscam support was sending some files that allows recovery from sd card, but this was not working as...

Onkyo TX-NR656 hacking - firmware decoding

Since writing my earlier post  about the TX-NR656 hacking Onkyo fixed the most blatant issue... open ssh port with known password. So the recent receivers cannot be super simple hacked as ssh is no longer available. Also the password has changed Still the Onkyo receivers are super leaky.... e.g. this URL will show you your configured wifi passwords... http://[your receiverip]:8080/..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2f..%2fmedia/settings/settings/network/profile While the web interface is still super leaky, I wanted to explore the filesystem in an easy way. For this I needed access to the file system in a simple way. This can be done by taking a firmware and mount the filesystem. The firmware can be downloaded from the Onkyo website. This file however can't be directly read. Decrypt the firmware  Compile Note: This is a fixed version from the original posted here